- December 8, 2021
Reminder of the role of the EAT in the context of justifying a fixed retirement age
The recent EAT case of Pitcher v Chancellor Masters And Scholars Of The University of Oxford (EA-2019-000638-RN; EA-2020-000128-RN) provides interesting commentary on two important issues for employment lawyers: The extent to which the EAT will interfere with first instance decisions. The law on justification for direct age discrimination. The appeal involved two linked cases both … Continue reading Reminder of the role of the EAT in the context of justifying a fixed retirement age →
- August 28, 2019
Non-discriminatory bullying in the workplace: does the law go far enough?
ACAS sums up the position concisely in its guide to harassment and bullying in the workplace: “[Bullying is] offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, an abuse or misuse of power through means that undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient.” “The impact on the individual can be the same as harassment and the words bullying … Continue reading Non-discriminatory bullying in the workplace: does the law go far enough? →